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Showing posts with the label Interview Questions

Accenture Interview Questions for Fresher Software Engineer

Name of the Candidate: Kalpana About How I appeared / applied I applied through campus interview in our college. About the interview There was 3 interview rounds starts with Aptitude test. The test is for the whole class of the last year students and the last year pass outs. Even the candidates having low GPA or percentage appeared the first round. The selected candidates called for technical interview. Some of the questions asked in tech interview.. 1. Tell me about OOPS concept 2. Give real time example explaining Polymorphism 3. Some questions from C and C++ concepts like array, pointers etc 4. About database concepts like normalization, different between primary key and unique key 5. To write stored procedure for updating set of records from a data set using Cursor.. In HR interview, I was asked some standard HR questions like tell me about yourself, strengths and weakness, etc Since this is pretty much basic and I was prepared for, I got selected. Similar ...

Don't Attend Interview Without Knowing Answers for This 10 .NET Interview Questions

Life cycle of an ASP .NET page. Stage Events/Method Page Initialization Page_Init View State Loading LoadViewState Postback data processin LoadPostData Page Loading Page_Load PostBack Change Notification RaisePostDataChangedEvent PostBack Event Handling RaisePostBackEvent Page Pre Rendering Phase Page_PreRender View State Saving SaveViewState Page Rendering Page_Render Page Unloading Page_UnLoad 1) Explain the .NET architecture. a) All .Net supported Languages b) Common Language specification c) Windows forms / web pages d) ADO.Net / web services e) Base class library f) Common language runtime g) Operating system. 2) How does u create multiple inheritances in c# and .net? Multiple inheritances are created by using interfaces. 3) When web.config is called ? Web.config is an xml configuration file.this never gets called directly unless we need to retrieve the configuration setting. 4) How many weg.configs a application can have one. 5) How does u set l...

Versant English Test - Tips & Tricks

As per Wiki, " The Versant suite of tests are computerized tests of spoken language available from Pearson PLC. Versant tests were the first fully automated tests of spoken language to use advanced speech processing technology (including speech recognition) to assess the spoken language skills of non-native speakers. The Versant language suite includes tests of English, Spanish, Dutch, French, Arabic, and Mandarin. Versant technology has also been applied to the assessment of Aviation English, children’s oral reading assessment, and adult literacy assessment ." What is Versant test? Versant is a completely automated test of spoken English that enables you to ensure applicants and employees have the level of spoken English language skills necessary for any job. It can be administered over the telephone or on a computer.  - Use Versant to assess an individual’s spoken English language skills in 15 minutes or less.  - Convenient, easy and secure administration by telep...

How to Clear Technical Interview for Freshers - 5 Best Ways

Actually you can skip this points if you really strong on Object Oriented Programming, Operating System and Data Structures and Algorithms - keeping whatever the Software programming jobs you are applying like Java, C++, C etc. This applies to freshers and experienced from Java / C++ / ASP background. Also it does not matter whether you are from CSE background or non-IT branch like Mechanical Eng. or B.Com, you will be definitely come across these. You can also refer my previous article about the best answers for interview questions which needs presence of mind 1. Get basic knowledge of OOPs Concept, Database, Data Structure, OS i general. Except questions from the answer you provided for the previous questions. 2. In Data structure, expect questions from Linked list, in database Normalization and some basic interview questions on each with best common examples. Prepare to explain all OOPs concept with one example. Similarly for database. So be Strong in basics . 3. If ...

C#.NET Interview Questions - Mock Test 1

Which of the following statements are TRUE about the .NET CLR? It provides a language-neutral development & execution environment. It ensures that an application would not be able to access memory that it is not authorized to access. It provides services to run "managed" applications. All the above Which of the following utilities can be used to compile managed assemblies into processor-specific native code? gacutil ngen sn dumpbin Which of the following components of the .NET framework provide an extensible set of classes that can be used by any .NET compliant programming language? .NET class libraries Common Language Runtime Common Language Infrastructure Component Object Model Which of the following jobs are NOT performed by Garbage Collector? Freeing memory on the stack. Avoiding memory leaks. Freeing memory occupied by unreferenced objects. Closing unclosed database collections. Closing unclosed files. 1,2,3 3,5 1,4,5 3,4 Which o...

About Dream Company Success Story - IBM Success Story

*IBM - International Business Machines Corporation is a multinational technology and consulting organization. *Having its genesis in US, IBM is now one of the leading technology organizations all over the globe. *IBM is headquartered in Armonk, New York, US. *Its forte lies in marketing computer peripherals - hardware and software, hosting and consultation solutions including computers, social and technological attributes. *The company was started in 1911 in a small village in Endicott, US. *Initially it was known as CTR - Computing Tabulating Recording Company because of the merger of three different companies - Tabulating Machine company, Computing Scale company and International Time Recording company, that gave rise to the current, tall standing IBM. *In the year 1924, CTR changed its name to what is popularly known as IBM. *With over 435,000 employees all over the globe, IBM is ranked as the second largest firms according to Fortune. *It has over 12 research labs sprea...

10 difficult questions asked in Google interviews

It is always interested to know the interview questions asked in top runners of the IT industry and even if it Google, everyone wanted to know (along with the answer). Here are some of the questions asked in Google's interview for different position like Adwords representatives, Software Engineers, Programmers, Product Managers, Media Campaign managers etc. Even I don't have answers for almost all of the question, but I learnt the different positions to get a job in Google. :) Answers are welcome though. You may don't want to know now  how to answer "Tell Me About Yourself" question which I already covered in another plot. 1. Question for Senior Software Engineer : Write a probability formula to tell how many bits will be changed when 1 is added to a 32 bit binary number. 2. Question for a Software Engineer : Design a system or algorithm to catalog all of the worlds books? 3. Question for a Programmer : How would you implement an MS Paint clone? (What o...

Checklist for Job Interview Preparation

1.Research the Organization Visit the organization’s website to ensure that you understand the breadth of what they do. Review the organization's background and mission statement. Assess their products, services and client-base. Read recent press releases for insight on projected growth and stability. 2.Compare your skills and qualifications to the job requirements. 3.Think of questions to ask your interviewer 4.Practice with a friend 5.Plan what to wear 6.Plan what to bring 7.Anticipate questions from the interviewer 8.Show courtesy to everyone during the interview 9.Be honest 10.Keep things simple and short 11.Shake hands with the interviewer and exchange pleasantries

Vedic Maths Shortcut for Fast Calculations

Square any two digit number:  Suppose the number is 47 Look for the nearest multiple of 10 Example: The nearest number is 50. We will reach 50 if we add 3 to 47 So multiply (47+3) x (47-3) = 50 × 44 = 2200 This is the 1st interim answer. We had added 3 to reach the nearest multiple of 10 that is 50 thus 3x 3 = 9 This is the second interim answer. The final answer is 2200 + 9 = 2209 Multiply any two numbers from 11 to 20 in Easy Way:  Example: Take 15 × 13 Take the larger no on the top and the second digit of the smaller no. in the bottom. 15 3 Add 15+3 = 18 . Then multiply 18 × 10 = 180 Now multiply the second digit of both the no.s (ie; 5 × 3 = 15) Now add 180 + 15. Here is the answer 180 + 15 = 195 This is a simple trick. It will help you a lot. Multiply any two digit number with 11:  Example: 27 × 11 Divide the number as 2 _ 7 Add 2 + 7 = 9 Thus the answer is 2 9 7 But there is one complication. If you take a number lik...

Best Answers of Tricky Interview Questions for Freshers

Tricky Interview Questions Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday? Answer in the next slide. Answer for the last slide: Yes you are correct. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Next Question: How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it? Answer in the next slide. Answer for the last slide: Concrete floors are very hard to crack. Next Question: How would you pick an elephant with one hand? Do you know the answer? Check in the next slide. Answer for the last slide: You can't since there is no elephant with one hand. Next Question: James bond was pushed out of an airplane without any parachute. But he survived. Do you know how? Answer in the next slide.. Answer for the last slide: The plane was on the runway. Next Question: If two's company, and three's a crowd, then what is four and five? Verify your answer in the next slide Answer for the last slide: Nine. :) Next Qu...

The Best tricky interview questions which requires presence of mind

Interviewer: There is one scooter (2 wheeler) which has one stepney/spare tire (so totally 3 tyres). Each tyre can run up to maximum of 5 km. How long will the bike run till? Candidate's Answer : "Obviously, 5 km." This is the answer from the candidate as he/she thought that the scooter can't run with a single tire. But the answer he has given is wrong. Hope you find the answer now. He also did some calculation and confirmed the answer as 7.5 km. Do you know now? First run 2.5 km and change the 1st tyre with stepney. Now some life (kms) remains in 1st tyre: 2.5 km, 2nd tyre: 2.5 km, Stepney : 5 km Again run for 2.5 km and this time change 2nd tyre with 1st tyre: Now some life (kms) remains in 1st tyre: 2.5 km, 2nd tyre :0 km ,stepney : 2.5 km. Now run 2.5 km with remaining 1st tyre and stepney . Total: 2.5+2.5+2.5=7.5 See also: What is the best answer for "Sell me this Pen/Pencil" in interview?

Tips to Tackle Group Discussion

Tips to Tackle Group Discussion *Understand the topic and analyse it mentally before speaking *Be clear about the purpose and content of your viewpoint *Be clear in speech, audible but not too loud *Use simple and understandable words *Clarity, Completeness, Conciseness, Confidence, Correctness and Courtesy. *You should maintain eye contact with all others *Not focus on a particular person for he may benefit from that *Be responsive to ideas from other people and seem to be very receptive and open-minded but don't allow others to change your own viewpoint *Starting the discussion is considered to be good however it isn't that important *Important is that you speak for a period long enough for you to be able to communicate your viewpoint Always maintain your calm and never get aggressive Skills Judged in Group Discussion: How you behave and interact with group How good you are at communication with others Your listening skill Leadership and decision making s...

Oracle ATG Interview Questions 2015 / 2016

What is a Form Handler? Explain of FormHandler Pre and Post methods Use of pre method and post method quoting a live example Name few OOTB FormHandler – in various flows Custom FormHandler implemented as part of your project and few What is a Droplet? Explain use of droplet How do you write custom droplet Name few OOTB droplets How do you write a custom Droplet? Explain the steps involved in writing the custom droplet Explain the scenario where you have written custom droplets in your project. What are the major Form Handlers in various flows? Shopping cart Payment Page Shipping page Order Review Page Order confirmation page How is Error handling done in Form Handler? Explain How do we achieve different pricing in your website? Example US and Geman site – It is achieved using Pricelist. Explain Price List and advantage of using it. Explain purchase order flow? How are Promotions implemented in ATG? Types of promotion? Feed P...

Top Android Interview Questions And Answers for Freshers

1.What is Android? An open-source operating system used for smartphones and tablet computers 2. Features of Android OS? Most of us are aware of features like Live wallpaper, Camera, Messaging, Bluetooth, WIFI, Web Browsing, Music, Alarm 3.SDK stand for ? Software Development Kit 4.Tools Required for Developing Android Apps?  JDK Eclipse + ADT plugin SDK Tools. 5.Advance Features of Android OS? Google now (voice assistant) NFC (Near Field Communication) Unlock your phone by your face Use your phone with joystick to enjoy gaming experience Connect your phone with LED TV via MHL or micro HDMI cable Screen Capture Multitasking Future (Task Switcher) Data Usages (Check and also set limit from device) Top 10 Interview Questions Asked in Google Interview 6.What is meaning of Android Word? It means a robot with a human appearance 7.ADT stand for? Android Developer Tools 8.Inventors of android ? Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears 9...

Important Data Structure Interview Questions & Answers for Freshers

1.What is data structure? A data structure is a way of organizing data that considers not only the items stored, but also their relationship to each other. Advance knowledge about the relationship between data items allows designing of efficient algorithms for the manipulation of data. 2.List out the areas in which data structures are applied extensively? Compiler Design, Operating System, Database Management System, Statistical analysis package, Numerical Analysis, Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Simulation. 3.Convert the expression ((A + B) * C - (D - E) ^ (F + G)) to equivalent Prefix and Postfix notations. 1.Prefix Notation: - * +ABC ^ - DE + FG 2.Postfix Notation: AB + C * DE - FG + ^ - 4.What is the type of the algorithm used in solving the 8 Queens problem? Backtracking. 5.What is a spanning Tree? A spanning tree is a tree associated with a network. All the nodes of the graph appear on the tree once. A minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree organized so th...

Important C Programming Questions Asked in Interview

What is C language? Write a program to find factorial of the given number? What is a structure? What does static variable mean? Write a program to check whether the given number is even or odd? What is the purpose of main( ) function ? What is a pointer? What are the different storage classes in C? Write a program to swap two numbers using a temporary variable? What is hashing? Write a program to find the greatest of three numbers? What is a null pointer? Write a program to check whether the given number is a prime? What is the difference between calloc() and malloc() ? Write a program to check whether the given number is a palindrome c number? Write a program to generate the Fibonacci series? What is the difference between printf() and scanf() ? What is difference between Structure and Unions? What is dangling pointer in c? Write a program to display the multiplication table of a given number? Difference between arr...

Frequently Asked Networking Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

1.Define Network? A network is a set of devices connected by physical media links. A network is recursively is a connection of two or more nodes by a physical link or two or more networks connected by one or more nodes. 2.What is Protocol? A protocol is a set of rules that govern all aspects of information communication. 3.What is a Node? A network can consist of two or more computers directly connected by some physical medium such as coaxial cable or optical fiber. Such a physical medium is called as Links and the computer it connects is called as Nodes. 4. What is a gateway or Router? A node that is connected to two or more networks is commonly called as router or Gateway. It generally forwards message from one network to another. 5.What is Round Trip Time? The duration of time it takes to send a message from one end of a network to the other and back, is called RTT. 6.List the layers of OSI? a. Physical Layer b. Data Link Layer c. Network Layer d. Transport Layer...

PHP Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

1.What is PHP? PHP is a server side scripting language commonly used for web applications. PHP has many frameworks and cms for creating websites. 2. What is the use of "echo" in PHP? It is used to print a data in the webpage, Example: <?php echo 'Car insurance'; ?> , The following code print the text in the webpage 3.How to include a file to a php page? We can include a file using "include() " or "require()" function with file path as its parameter. 4.What's the difference between include and require? If the file is not found by require(), it will cause a fatal error and halt the execution of the script. If the file is not found by include(), a warning will be issued, but execution will continue. 5. Differences between GET and POST methods ? We can send 1024 bytes using GET method but POST method can transfer large amount of data and POST is the secure method than GET method . 6. How to declare an array in php? Eg: var...

Top 10 Software Testing Interview Questions & Answers for Freshers

1. What’s the Software Testing? A set of activities conducted with the intent of finding errors in software. 2.What is Acceptance Testing? Testing conducted to enable a user/customer to determine whether to accept a software product. Normally performed to validate the software meets a set of agreed acceptance criteria. 3. What is Ad Hoc Testing? A testing phase where the tester tries to 'break' the system by randomly trying the system's functionality. 4.What is Beta Testing? Testing of a release of a software product conducted by customers. 5. What is Black Box Testing? Testing based on an analysis of the specification of a piece of software without reference to its internal workings. The goal is to test how well the component conforms to the published requirements for the component. 6.What is Bug? A fault in a program which causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner. 7.What is Defect? If software misses some feature or f...

Top 5 AngularJS Interview Questions with Answers

What is AngularJS? AngularJS is a javascript (client side) open source framework used for creating single dynamic web page applications.  It allows you to use HTML (static) as your template language and enables you to extend HTML’s syntax to express your application’s components (dynamic) clearly. It extends HTML using directives, expression and data binding techniques to define a powerful HTML template. What are the features of AngularJS? Modules Directives Templates Scope Expressions DataBinding MVC (Model, View & Controller) Validations Filters Services Routing Dependency Injection Testing Is AngularJS a library or framework? AngularJS is not a library but open source client side MVC (Model View Controller) framework for creating dynamic web applications. It is lightweight and can use jQuery library if it's present in your application when the app is being bootstrapped. If jQuery is not present in your script path, Angular falls back to its own impleme...