Company Name: TCS #jobs #tcsjobs #bangalorejobs TCS Mega Drive : Software Engineers : Multiple Skills : Multiple Locations.. — (@jobopportunity) December 19, 2015 16.Total number of 4 digit number do not having the digit 3 or 6. Sol: consider 4 digits _ _ _ _ 1st blank can be filled in 7C1 ways (0,3,6 are neglected as the first digit should not be 0) 2st blank can be filled in 8C1 ways (0 considered along with 1,2,4,5,7,8,9) 3st blank can be filled in 8C1 ways 4st blank can be filled in 8C1 ways Therefore total 4 digit number without 3 or 6 is 7 x 8 x 8 x 8=3584 17.Find the missing in the series: 70, 54, 45, 41,____. Sol: 40 70-54 = 16 = 42 54-45 = 9 = 32 45-41 = 4 = 22 41-40 = 1 = 12 18. A school has 120, 192 and 144 students enrolled for its science, arts and commerce courses. All students have to be seated in rooms for an exam such that each room has students of only the same course...