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Showing posts with the label TCS Placement Papers

TCS Placement Paper Part - II (2015 - 2016 Batch)

Company Name:  TCS #jobs #tcsjobs #bangalorejobs TCS Mega Drive : Software Engineers : Multiple Skills : Multiple Locations.. — (@jobopportunity) December 19, 2015 16.Total number of 4 digit number do not having the digit 3 or 6. Sol: consider 4 digits  _ _ _ _ 1st blank can be filled in 7C1 ways (0,3,6 are neglected as the first digit should not be 0) 2st blank can be filled in 8C1 ways (0 considered along with 1,2,4,5,7,8,9) 3st blank can be filled in 8C1 ways 4st blank can be filled in 8C1  ways Therefore total 4 digit number without 3 or 6 is 7 x 8 x 8 x 8=3584 17.Find the missing in the series:  70, 54, 45, 41,____. Sol: 40 70-54 = 16 = 42 54-45 = 9 = 32 45-41 = 4 = 22 41-40 = 1 = 12 18. A school has 120, 192 and 144 students enrolled for its science, arts and commerce courses. All students have to be seated in rooms for an exam such that each room has students of only the same course...

TCS Placement Paper Part - I ( 2015 - 2016 Batch)

Company Name: TCS *Written exam there were two sections one is verbal and other is Arithmetic portions *In verbal sections there we had to write an email writing and in arithmetic part there were several problems like series problem, Probability, train, profit & loss, Allegation ,etc...and some tricky problems 1. Here is 15 dots. If you select 3 dots randomly, what is the probability that 3 dots make a triangle? a. 440/455. b. 434/455. c. 449/455. d. 438/455. Answer:  Total ways of selecting 3 dots out of 15 is 15C3 = 455 If 3 dots are collinear then triangle may not be formed. Now look at the above diagram.  If we select any 3 dots from the red lines they may not form a triangle. They are 5 x 5C3 = 50.  If we select the three letters from blue lines, they may not form a triangle. They are in total 5 ways. Also there are 6 others lines which don't form a triangle.  Total = 50 + 5 + 6 = 61.  So we can form a triangle in 455 - 61 = 394. ...

TCS Very First Campus Placement Experience - Fresher

Company Name: TCS  Interview Location: Kolkata Myself Depak  and I am from RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata. I'm going to share my very first campus placement experience with all of you. The online test contained 3 sections 1. Verbal Ability test (NO NEGATIVE MARKING): In this, we have to type a short letter, the topic and the flow is provided to us and we have to take care that we mention all the words in the letter displayed on the screen. We also have to take care of the grammar while typing. This section, we have to finish within 10 minutes. 2. Quantitative Aptitude Part 1 (NEGATIVE MARKING IS THERE): In this second section, there are 28 questions and each of equal marks. The questions are focused mainly on the topics like profit and loss, percentage, Simple and Compound Interest, Time and work, Time speed and distance, Probability, average and Number Systems. Apart from this, there are also questions on geometry. ...

TCS Freshers .NET Interview Questions - 2015

Company Name: TCS 1.Define .NET architecture 2.Difference between ASP and ASP.NET 3.Where does ADO.NET and XML web services come in the architecture 4.What is web.config and machine.config    5.What is MSIL code 6.What is CTS, CLS and CLR 7.Uses of CLR 8.What is dataset and uses of dataset 9.What are Webservices, its attributes. Where they are available 10.What is UDDI and how to register a web service 11.Without UDDI, is it possible to access a remote web service 12.Difference between VB.NET and C#. Which is faster 13.What is the key feature of ADO.NET compared to ADO 14.Types of Caching 15.How WSDL is stored 16.What is a process 17.How a proxy is generated for a web service 18.What is binding in web service  19.About delegates 20.What are static assemblies and dynamic assemblies. Differences between them

TCS Technical Interview Experience - Questions Asked

Company Name:  TCS  Technical round will be purely based on whatever you have mentioned in your resume and depends on your engineering branch if you're from computer science background be ready to face questions on C, C++, DBMS, Networking, Java, Data structure etc. What is the difference between C and C++? What is data abstraction?  what are the three levels of data abstraction with Example? What is Doubly link list? What is your strongest programming language (Java, ASP, C, C++, VB, HTML, C#, etc.)? What is rdbms? What are the two integrity rules used in DBMS? Differences between C and Java? What is command line argument? What are the different storage classes in C ? What does static variable mean?  Write a program using bubble sort? How do you print an address ? What is inner and outer join? What are macros? what are its advantages and disadvantages?  What is jdk, jvm? Difference between pass by reference and pass by value?  ...

TCS Java Based Fresher Interview Experience

Java Based Fresher Interview Experience Company Name: TCS  Interview Location:  Hyderabad I got placed into TCS through TCS Off-Campus Recruitment 2014. I am a B.Tech student from CSE background (2014 passout) Initially I have registered and applied for TCS Off Campus Recruitment process Aptitude Round:  I had five days of time to prepare. I started of with basic aptitude problems, formulae from Probability, Time and Distance, Permutations and Combinations, Time and Work, Pipes and Cisterns etc. Concentrate on Number Systems* as well. And then referred as many previous papers and sample papers as I could The day arrived.. We were allotted different centers for the examination. My examination slot was morning 10 to 1. Verbal section was pretty easy where we have to write a mail with given phrases and words! Just remember to use all the words given there in the specified order. You are done! Nextly, the aptitude part also ...