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Showing posts with the label RRB

2235 Vacancies @ RRB (Railway recruitment board) - Junior Engineer, Sr. Section Engineer (Last Date: 26th July 2015)

Job Description:   Railway recruitment board (RRB) Has Invited Application Form For 2235 Sr. Section Engineer, Junior Engineer. All Eligible Candidates Are Required To check Eligibility details for RRB Job Advertisement and Apply Online Before Or On 26-07-2015 (26th July 2015). Skill Sets:       Sr. Section Engineer 1. P-Way - 230 2. Bridge - 28 3. Works - 53 4. Drawing (Civil) & Design & Estimation - 24 5. Engineer/Engg 04 6. TMS - 01 7. (Mechanical) (Workshop) - 85 8. Mechanical - 125 9. Carriage & Wagon - 118 10. Dsl Mechanical - 14 11. Dsl Electrical - 10 12. J&T (Jig & Tools) - 01 13. (Drawing & Design) Mechanical - 11 14. Electrical/ Electrical (GS) - 125 15. Electrical (TRD) - 85 16. Electrical (TRS) - 40 17. Plant - 01 18. (Electrical) / Workshop - 13 19. (Drawing/ Design & Drawing) Electrical - 09 20. (Signal) - 65 21. (Telecommunication) - 55 22. (S&T) Workshop - 02 23. Drawing/S...

Northern Railway Recruitment 2014 - (Group D - 5679 Vacancies)

Northern Railway, Railway Recruitment Cell (NR-RRC) issued Open Market Recruitment of Group D Vacancies. Northern Railway invites applications from bonafide Citizens of India and such other candidates declared eligible by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India to fill up a total of 5679 posts in various Divisions/ Workshops/Units. Eligible Candidates apply online on or before 10th February 2014. S.No Name of the Post Department No of Vacancies 1 POINTSMAN OPERATING 688 2 GATEMAN OPERATING 262 3 KHALASI HELPER CIVIL ENGG., ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, SIGNAL & TELECOM 506 4 TRACKMAN CIVIL ENGINEERING 2529 5 CARRIAGE CLEANER MECHANICAL 272 6 DSL KHALLASI MECHANICAL 22 7 KHALASI HELPER Engg 120 8 KHALASI HELPER MECH.(W) , S&T (W), Engg 1184 ...