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Software Graduate Recruitment in NLC India Ltd. Fresher BE /BTech /MCA /MSc (Cs./ IT)

Required Job ItemsDetails
Job Role / PositionComputer Graduate Executive Trainee
Hiring CompanyNLC India Limited
Job DescriptionThe Corporate Plan of the company, NLC India Limited (NLCIL) has many ambitious expansion schemes for massive capacity augmentation in the years to come. To add to its strength and fuel its growth, the company is looking for young energetic, dynamic & result oriented talents for recruitment to the post of Graduate Executive Trainee (GET)in the following disciplines for its units and facilities located in various Projects at Neyveli, Barsingsar, Bithnok, Talabira, South Pachwara and other locations of Solar / Wind Power Projects / Sites including its subsidiaries and joint ventures at Tuticorin (NTPL), Tamil Nadu, Ghatampur (NUPPL), Uttar Pradesh. Full Time / Part Time Bachelor degree in Computer Science Engineering / Computer Engineering / Information Technology (or) Full Time / Part Time PG Degree in Computer Applications (Minimum qualifying marks in notified qualification is 60 % for UR/EWS /OBC (NCL) & 50 % for SC/ST.)
Number of Posts5
SalaryINR 60,000-1,80,000 with a basic pay of INR. 60,000. Candidates joining NLCIL as Graduate Executive Trainee (GET) will undergo training for One year. During Training period, basic pay of INR. 50,000 in the scale of pay of INR. 50,000-1,60,000 (E-2 Grade) will be paid. On successful completion of training, the trainees will be absorbed in E3 Grade in the scale of pay mentioned above. Note: Selected candidates while joining as Graduate Executive Trainee in NLCIL will have to execute a Service Agreement Bond for a value of INR.1,00,000/- to serve the Company for a minimum period of three years after completion of training.
Educational QualificationFull Time / Part Time Bachelor degree in Computer Science Engineering / Computer Engineering / Information Technology (or) Full Time / Part Time PG Degree in Computer Applications (Minimum qualifying marks in notified qualification is 60 % for UR/EWS /OBC (NCL) & 50 % for SC/ST.)
Required ExperienceFreshers
Age LimitUpper Age Limit, in years (As on 01/03/2020). General / EWS 30, OBC(NCL) - 33, SC / ST - 35
Job LocationAcross India
Selection ProcessCandidates who qualify in the Computer Based Online Examination will be shortlisted for personal interview in the order of merit based on the Marks scored in the examination. The number of candidates to be considered for personal interview will be 6 times the number of vacancies notified.

Candidates fulfilling the notified norms will be called to appear for Computer Based Online Examination.
Candidates called for Computer Based Online Examination are required to make their own arrangements for their travel and stay and they will not be entitled for any reimbursement.
The On-line Exam will be held for a duration of 02 (Two) Hours.
The Question Paper will consist of two parts; Part-I with 40 questions on Quantitative aptitude, Logical Reasoning, General Awareness, Data Interpretation and General English and Part-II with 80 Questions on Professional Knowledge (Discipline related), totally 120 objective type questions with multiple choice answers.
Each question will carry 01 (One) mark. For a wrong answer chosen, there will be negative marking. For every wrong answer 1/4 mark (0.25 mark) will be deducted.
No marks will be awarded for un-attempted questions.
The question paper will be in English language Only.
General ConditionsOnly Indian Nationals are eligible to apply. All qualifications should have been acquired from Indian Universities/Institutes, recognized by UGC or AICTE (whichever is applicable) or any other appropriate statutory authority in India. Candidates who have Passed the notified qualification only are eligible to apply. Candidates from PSE/Govt./Quasi Govt. should produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) at the time of Interview. Depending on the response and requirement, NLCIL reserves the right to raise / relax the eligibility conditions. Candidates are informed that mere submission of applications shall not give them any right to be called for Interview / Selection. NLCIL reserves the right not to fill up any or all the posts notified at its discretion and vacancies may also be increased / decreased depending upon organizational requirements. Check more details in the below given link.
Date Posted4/25/2020 (IN)
Important DatesIn the background of countrywide lock down due to outbreak of COVID-19 the last date for submission of online application is extended up to 17-05-2020.
How to ApplyCandidates should apply only through online mode in NLCIL website Apply Here 


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