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Basic Asp.Net Common Interview Questions and Answers for Interview

Life cycle of an ASP .NET page.
Stage Events/Method
Page Initialization Page_Init
View State Loading LoadViewState
Postback data processin LoadPostData
Page Loading Page_Load
PostBack Change Notification RaisePostDataChangedEvent
PostBack Event Handling RaisePostBackEvent
Page Pre Rendering Phase Page_PreRender
View State Saving SaveViewState
Page Rendering Page_Render
Page Unloading Page_UnLoad

1) Explain the .NET architecture.
a) All .Net supported Languages
b) Common Language specification
c) Windows forms / web pages
d) ADO.Net / web services
e) Base class library
f) Common language runtime
g) Operating system.

2) How does u create multiple inheritances in c# and .net?Multiple inheritances are created by using interfaces.

3) When web.config is called ?Web.config is an xml configuration file.this never gets called directly unless we need to retrieve the configuration setting.

4) How many weg.configs a application can haveone.

5) How does u set language in weg.configa) set the ‘defaultlanguage’ attribute.

6) What does connection string consists ofa) connection string consist of : server name, userid , password , database name.

7) Where do u store connection stringa) connection string can stored in web.config file under configuration / connection string tab.

8) What is abstract class?Abstract class is a class which cannot be instantiated but inherited by derived classes. This class contains abstract as well as non-abstract methods and members.

9) What is diff b/w interface inheritance and class inheritanceA class can have multiple interface inheritance, but only one.
In interface inheritance : Inherited class must implement all the methods define in that interface. Class inheritance : inherited class may or may not implement all methods of that base class.

10) What are the collection classes?1) Array list
2) Hash table
3) stack
4) Dictionary
5) Queue

12) What inheritance support Single class inheritance and multiple interface inheritance.

13) What is runtime host?a) Runtime host is local environment where CLR is running.

14) OOPS CONCEPTS1) Encapsulation : Hiding internal implementation of the objects and provide global interface access to object.
2) Inheritance : The ability of a class to reuse the members and member functions of its base class.
3) Polymorphism : The ability of the objects to be represented in multiple forms. This is possible with overriding and overloading.
4) Abstraction : Describing an object with its unique and relevant characteristics according to specific need.

Object-Oriented concepts?
Class: The formal definition of an object. The class acts as the template from which an instance of an object is created at run time. The class defines the properties of the object and the methods used to control the object’s behaviour.

Object: An object is an instance of a class.

Encapsulation: hides detailed internal specification of an object, and publishes only its external interfaces. Thus, users of an object only need to adhere to these interfaces. By encapsulation, the internal data and methods of an object can be changed without changing the way of how to use the object.

Inheritance: A class that derives from another class - known as the base class - inherits the same methods and properties. This promotes reuse and maintainability.

Abstraction: the describing of objects by defining their unique and relevant characteristics (properties). Whilst an object may have 100s of properties normally only those properties of importance to the situation are described. (eg life policies premiums are normally important; whereas the time of day a policy was purchased is not usually of value).

Polymorphism: Allows objects to be represented in multiple forms. Even though classes are derived or inherited from the same parent class, each derived class will have its own behavior. (Overriding and hiding methods)

15) optimization technique description1) Avoid unnecessary use of view state which lowers the performance.
2) Avoid the round trips to server.
3) Use connection pooling.
4) Use stored procedures.

16) Diff b/w application and sessiona) Application object maintains state on application basis whereas session object maintain the state of the client visited to the application.

17) What is web application virtual directory?a) Virtual directory is a physical location where actually application folder is situated.

18) Diff b/w Active.exe and Dll1) Exe has an entry point.
2) If Dll is getting destroyed, exe also destroyed.

20) If cookies are disabled in client browser will session worka) No. Identities of client gets destroy.

23) The following code executes successfullyresponse. Write (â€Å“value of i=”+i) ;
a) Yes.

25) What are a Process, Session and Cookie?1) Process : Is a running thread of application.
2) Session : state used to maintain user state in application.
3) cookie : used to store user identification data on client machine.

29) How is Polymorphism supports in .net?Polymorphism supports to objects to be represent in different forms..

30) What r the 2 types of polymorphism support in .net?Overriding and overloading

35) ASP.NET OBJECTS?Request, Response, Server, Session, application,

38) What is side by side executionAsynchronous execution in which application keeps on running instead of waiting for the result of previous stage execution.

39) What serialization?Serialization is a process of conversion an objects into stream of bytes so that they can transfer through the channels.

40) About a class access specifiers and method access specifiers1) Public : available throughout application.
2) Private : available for class and its inherited class.
3) Protected : restricted to that class only.
4) Internal : available throughout that assembly.

41) What diff b/w overloading and overriding?
How can this be .net
Overriding : derived classes follow the same base class method signatures.
Overloading : Derived classes may have different method signature with different parameters.

42) About virtual function and then use
Virtual function is that which is get override by the derived class to implement polymorphism.

How do u implement inheritance in .net?
In c# : we use :

44)if I want to override a method 1 of class A and this class B then how do u declared
answer :
public virtual void method1(){ } ..In class A. public override void method1(){}…………..In class B.

45) About friend and protected friend

Friend / internal : provides access throughout that particular assembly.
Protected friend : provides access for that particular class and to its child classes.

46) About multiple and multilevel Inheritance how to a chive in .net?

Multiple Inheritance: ex. Public void Employee : Persons, Iemployee. Means a class can be inherited by more than one interface OR inherited by one class and
more than one interfaces.
Multi level inheritance: ex. Public void Person () {}, Public void Customer : person {} , Public void employee : customer{}.

50) What is isPostback property?
Is postback is a property of page to check weather the page is loaded first time or in response to the client callback.


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